I draw (and music) or something

Sev Does @MettaSeven

Age 23, That guy

Artist, Musicist


Right Behind You

Joined on 2/8/21

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My greatest accomplishment

Posted by MettaSeven - May 23rd, 2024

This is a true story.

So there I was, trying to get some animation work done, but I can't even get a single line on the screen because my drawing tablet kept disconnecting. This is an issue I've delt with for some time, I've even gotten a cable to replace the old one, which worked for a little while, but I'm certain the issue lies within the tablet itself. So I search around the house for a tiny screwdriver so I can open it up and see what's wrong with it.

I never found the screwdriver.

During my search, I spot a tiny black dot hung above a doorway. I inspect it closer, fearing the worst.

Yep. It was a roach.

I quickly run to the other room, grab a slipper, and come back. The roach is still there, taunting me. I sneak up to it, careful as to not startle the insect. I lift my weapon slowly.


I fucking nailed that bitch. But this victory was short-lived. I pressed against the slipper, just to make sure the thing is dead (I've had roaches escape me in the past this way). After a while, I finally let go. Don't worry, it's still dead, but a part of me wished it was still alive. As I remove the slipper, I watch as the corpse falls. Little did I realize that there was a gap between the wall and the doorframe. This gap just so happened to be the perfect distance for a roach to slip into.

I spend about an hour trying to get that thing out (Afterall, dead roaches can attract other roaches). I try all sorts of tools and methods, but half of everything I tired was either too big or just didn't grab on. I even pulled out a whole latter just to get up there. I may have won the battle, but the roach had defeated me even in death. It looked down on me smugly from insect heaven.

Eventually, I just give up and spray some Febreze thinking maybe it'll mask the smell and detour future pests. I sit back down at my desk in shame, still having to face the first problem which was my cheap ass drawing tablet. But then I spot something on my desk, a thin yet long pair of scissors. I wonder if it would even work or just cut the roach into pieces and make things worse, but I figured I might as well try considering I had no other options left.

I return to the battlefield with my new pair of blades in hand. I ascend up the latter and continue to grab at the corpse, careful as to not damage it further. To my surprise, the scissors worked better than any of the tools that were actually made for this job. I managed to successfully retrieve the subject from it's spacious coffin and flush it down the toilet.

I had won.

I still never found that screwdriver though.

Anyways, any of you have any similar stories involving roaches or anything like that?


i once had a GIGANTIC roach pop up from under my bedframe and it crawled up the wall and i was just minding my business on my laptop and saw it in the corner of my eye, i dont remember what my initial reaction was since i was terrified LMAO but i ended up losing it and wasnt sure if it was dead and i was NOTT gonna be able to go back to sleep knowing it still may be alive. Mind you this was in the middle of the night, I stayed awake for atleast an additional hour and tore apart my room, moved EVERYTHING out of its place and i couldnt find the damn thing. It ended up popping back up somewhere and i slammed the life out of it with a broom and knocked it out LOL. I remember i took a video of me throwing it into the trash after making sure it was dead. which after reading that dead roaches attract more has me reflecting on that decisions T_T

Im glad that roach didn't fly towards you, if it's flying, then it's gonna be a different story