I draw (and music) or something

Sev Does @MettaSeven

Age 23, That guy

Artist, Musicist


Right Behind You

Joined on 2/8/21

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MettaSeven's News

Posted by MettaSeven - January 6th, 2025

i forgot sorry.


Posted by MettaSeven - January 1st, 2025

happy year is new

im drunk


Posted by MettaSeven - September 3rd, 2024

Man, I've got the biggest, meanest headache right now. Not a migraine or anything, but it feels like the left side of my brain is dying. I get headaches like this pretty often too, this could maybe be attributed to the mysterious crack that I recently discovered sitting across my forehead.

That all being said, I'm curious how others deal with this kinda stuff. I normally just take some Motrin and wait an hour, but I don't wanna do that too much cause I might develop a dependency or something. So, how do you guys get rid of a headache?

Posted by MettaSeven - August 10th, 2024

Alright alright, I know I took a billion years on this but there were some complications in my personal life taking my captive for the past few months. But now I am free and able to put this whole thing together.


I've got a video premiere set up for it that'll be going off in about an hour from now (sorry if you're reading this from the future ig). Though I did make posts about it here on the old NG, I think I'll only be uploading it on YouTube since idk, most videos on NG are animations or skits or what have you, not 20 minute long music visualizers, so I felt it didn't really belong here.

Here is le link to it




Posted by MettaSeven - July 1st, 2024


Just wanna remind everyone that my Jet Set Radio themed music collab will be ending in. . .

Erm. . . What was it again. . . ?

Oh yeah.

7 DAYS!!

If you saw my post originally and was thinking of joining, now's your last chance to get something in! If you didn't see that original post, you can check it out right here.

Just remember, to submit you've gotta either post it in the discord server for the collab or link to it in the replies of that original post (the one linked above).

If for whatever reason you can't finish in time, jet send me a message and we can work something out.

Have fun!



Posted by MettaSeven - June 19th, 2024

Usually when you think of collecting as a hobby, you think of collecting stamps or coins or figures or, you know, something actually physical. But for me, I've started developing a hobby of collecting something much more digital. Recently, I've made it a habit of mine to go on Khinsider every once and a while, it's this site that hosts game OSTs and stuff like that. Idk how legal it is but that's besides the point. Basically, I'll go on there and just browse the site in search of weird or obscure game OSTs, usually something from the 90's or 2000's, and download them. I'll also just do this for games that I like the music of (I have every single officially released song from every Persona game tucked away neatly in my hard drive. Yes, including the rhythm games that nobody likes). What's cool about it though is that I get to discover all sorts of cool music from games I have never even heard of and for the life of me can't even find information on sometimes. I've even used some of them as samples in my music whenever I get the chance cause, well, I can't imagine many others will think to do the same.

But now that I've rambled, I wanna hear about any cool collections you guys have. Could be anything really.


Posted by MettaSeven - June 9th, 2024

Alright hear me out.

So I've had this sorta lego table set up ever since I was a child right? I used to build stuff with it all the time, I even had a whole city with buildings and stuff, but over the years I begun to neglect it. I'm 22 now and I haven't touched the thing in at least 4 years. I don't know how but over time everything just started falling apart and now it looks like a junkyard covered in dust and sadness. Well, that is until recently where I decided that I was tired of looking at the old thing in such a state of disrepair (plus the table itself is kind of broken and needs fixing) so I decided that I was gonna clean up the streets and rebuild my childhood lego city from the ground up.

NOW BEFORE YOU JUDGE ME, there is also a secondary reason for this. See, I recently started reconnecting with an old friend from high school and hanging out at our university. During one of our talks, she asked if I still play with legos (because I still did that even in high school). To my surprise, it turns out she's super into legos and we even decided to go to my house and work on the city together. So NOOOOO, it's NOT lame, the ladies LOVE it.

Anyways, anyone else here still play with children's toy- I mean legos?

Additionally, if anyone's got any cool tips for building techniques or suggestions for cool lego-tubers I should watch that would be cool cause I don't remember how to do ANYTHING.

Also you can bully me about it, I was just kidding tee hee



Posted by MettaSeven - May 23rd, 2024

This is a true story.

So there I was, trying to get some animation work done, but I can't even get a single line on the screen because my drawing tablet kept disconnecting. This is an issue I've delt with for some time, I've even gotten a cable to replace the old one, which worked for a little while, but I'm certain the issue lies within the tablet itself. So I search around the house for a tiny screwdriver so I can open it up and see what's wrong with it.

I never found the screwdriver.

During my search, I spot a tiny black dot hung above a doorway. I inspect it closer, fearing the worst.

Yep. It was a roach.

I quickly run to the other room, grab a slipper, and come back. The roach is still there, taunting me. I sneak up to it, careful as to not startle the insect. I lift my weapon slowly.


I fucking nailed that bitch. But this victory was short-lived. I pressed against the slipper, just to make sure the thing is dead (I've had roaches escape me in the past this way). After a while, I finally let go. Don't worry, it's still dead, but a part of me wished it was still alive. As I remove the slipper, I watch as the corpse falls. Little did I realize that there was a gap between the wall and the doorframe. This gap just so happened to be the perfect distance for a roach to slip into.

I spend about an hour trying to get that thing out (Afterall, dead roaches can attract other roaches). I try all sorts of tools and methods, but half of everything I tired was either too big or just didn't grab on. I even pulled out a whole latter just to get up there. I may have won the battle, but the roach had defeated me even in death. It looked down on me smugly from insect heaven.

Eventually, I just give up and spray some Febreze thinking maybe it'll mask the smell and detour future pests. I sit back down at my desk in shame, still having to face the first problem which was my cheap ass drawing tablet. But then I spot something on my desk, a thin yet long pair of scissors. I wonder if it would even work or just cut the roach into pieces and make things worse, but I figured I might as well try considering I had no other options left.

I return to the battlefield with my new pair of blades in hand. I ascend up the latter and continue to grab at the corpse, careful as to not damage it further. To my surprise, the scissors worked better than any of the tools that were actually made for this job. I managed to successfully retrieve the subject from it's spacious coffin and flush it down the toilet.

I had won.

I still never found that screwdriver though.

Anyways, any of you have any similar stories involving roaches or anything like that?

Posted by MettaSeven - May 14th, 2024

Hey there Newgroundians!

So a little while, ago I set up an open music collab called "The Concert of Love". The main gimmick of this collab was that everyone must make a remix of "The Concept of Love" from Jet Set Radio Future in their own unique style. However, as of writing this I've only had 3 participants. . . So now I'm turning to Newgrounds!

I don't expect this to blow up on here or anything, but I figured this would be a good place to gather up some more musicians for the collab. So, here are the rules.


  1. Remix must be a remix of TCoL (doesn't have to be a one-to-one recreation, just has to be related in some way). It also must be at least 1 minute long.
  2. Remix must be titled something along the lines of "The (blank) of Love" (Whatever word you use must start with Con).
  3. No two songs can share the same title (I'll provide a list of names that are taken so you'll know).
  4. Don't upload someone else's remix and claim it as your own (duh).
  5. You can upload up to 3 remixes in total.
  6. Any skill level is welcome, just so long as you aren't being too uncreative with your sampling or anything (ex. just taking the original song and adding just a trap beat).
  7. Have fun!

And in case you're too lazy to read, here's a video basically saying the same thing.

NOTE: The video mentions joining a Discord server, but since this is a website where you can upload music, you don't have to join if you don't want to, just submit your entry here!

That's about it, if you have any questions feel free to ask.

Oh, also


Song Names that are Taken:

  • The Context of Love
  • The Consequence of Love
  • The Controversy of Love



Posted by MettaSeven - May 12th, 2024

Genuine question!

I don't really keep up with movies anymore, so I'm curious to see what everyone else is watching these days.

Personally, I've been going back and watching older movies that I missed out on, the two most recent being Megamind and Baby Driver. Actually, the reason I even watched Baby Driver is kinda weird. Long story short, I just recently went through a Jet Set Radio phase (something else I missed out on even though I was the prime demographic for it) and found myself browsing this site called Jetsetradio.live, which acts as a sort of playlist of songs from the games and songs that sound like they should be from the games.

Now, apparently there was some weird controversy that happened with the site owner becoming a crazy conspiracist anti-vaxxer during covid or something, but I didn't know that at the time so I kept using the site. ANYWAYS, one of the songs on there was from Baby Driver called, "Was He Slow?". I thought it sounded cool so I looked into it, found out it was from a movie, really badly wanted to see the context, watched the movie (which was uploaded in it's entirety for free on YouTube somehow).

Anyways, that's the long and convoluted story of how I saw Baby Driver. I thought it was pretty good.