Usually when you think of collecting as a hobby, you think of collecting stamps or coins or figures or, you know, something actually physical. But for me, I've started developing a hobby of collecting something much more digital. Recently, I've made it a habit of mine to go on Khinsider every once and a while, it's this site that hosts game OSTs and stuff like that. Idk how legal it is but that's besides the point. Basically, I'll go on there and just browse the site in search of weird or obscure game OSTs, usually something from the 90's or 2000's, and download them. I'll also just do this for games that I like the music of (I have every single officially released song from every Persona game tucked away neatly in my hard drive. Yes, including the rhythm games that nobody likes). What's cool about it though is that I get to discover all sorts of cool music from games I have never even heard of and for the life of me can't even find information on sometimes. I've even used some of them as samples in my music whenever I get the chance cause, well, I can't imagine many others will think to do the same.
But now that I've rambled, I wanna hear about any cool collections you guys have. Could be anything really.
I've got a pretty good sized vinyl record collection. Probably in the ballpark of around 100.